Jobellisiales » Jobellisiaceae


Jobellisia M.E. Barr, Mycotaxon 46: 60 (1993)

Diaporthomycetidae, Jobellisiales, Jobellisiaceae, Jobellisia

Index Fungorum number: IF26310; Facesoffungi number: FoF 05182; 8 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020); 3 species with sequence data


Saprobic on wood in terrestrial and freshwater habitats. Sexual morph: Ascomata perithecial, basally immersed to superficial, astromatic, globose to subglobose, lageniform to obpyriform, brown to black or yellowish, glabrous or slightly rugose, with a papilla or with upright neck. Peridium three-layered, comprising cells of textura angularis or textura prismatica or textura intricata, some with an orange, middle wall layer. Paraphyses numerous, septate. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical to clavate, short pedicellate, with a distinct, J-, refractive, apical ring. Ascospores uniseriate or overlapping uniseriate, oblong to ellipsoidal, fusoid to fusiform, straight or slightly curved, reddish-brown or greenish-brown to brown, darker at the median septum, 1-septate, with germ pores at one or both ends. Asexual morph: Undetermined (adapted from Réblová 2008 and Maharachchikumbura et al. 2016).


Type species: Jobellisia luteola (Ellis & Everh.) M.E. Barr, Mycotaxon 46: 61 (1993)


Notes: Jobellisia was introduced by Barr (1993) with two new combinations, J. luteola (type species) and J. nicaraguensis. Sequences of three species are available in GenBank (J. fraterna, J. guangdongensis and J. luteola), and have been used in phylogenetic analyses (Maharachchikumbura et al. 2015, 2016, Hongsanan et al. 2017).



Species illustrated in this entry

Jobellisia guangdongensis F. Liu & L. Cai





Barr ME. 1993 – Redisposition of some taxa described by J. B. Ellis. Mycotaxon 46, 45–76.

Hongsanan S, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Hyde KD, Samarakoon MC et al. 2017 – An updated phylogeny of Sordariomycetes based on phylogenetic and molecular clock evidence. Fungal Diversity 84, 25–41.

Maharachchikumbura SSN, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, McKenzie EHC et al. 2016 – Families of Sordariomycetes. Fungal Diversity 79, 1–317.

Maharachchikumbura SSN, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, McKenzie EHC et al. 2015 – Towards a natural classification and backbone tree for Sordariomycetes. Fungal Diversity 72, 199–301.

Réblová M. 2008 – Bellojisia, a new sordariaceous genus for Jobellisia rhynchostoma and a description of Jobellisiaceae fam. nov. Mycologia 100, 893–901.



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