Delonicicolales » Delonicicolaceae


Delonicicola R.H. Perera, Maharachch. & K.D. Hyde, in Perera, Maharachchikumbura, Jones, Bahkali, Elgorban, Liu, Liu & Hyde, Cryptog. Mycol. 38(3): 334 (2017)

Xylariomycetidae, Delonicicolales, Delonicicolaceae, Delonicicola

Index Fungorum number: IF553772; Facesoffungi number: FoF 03605; 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020); 1 species with sequence data.


Saprobic on fabaceous hosts. Sexual morph: Pseudostromata grouped, dark brown to black, conspicuous, visible as raised, dark spots on host surface. Ascomata perithecial, immersed in pseudostroma, multi-loculate, aggregated, immersed, globose, subglobose to conical or irregular, sub-hyaline, ostiolate. Ostiole papillate, short, immersed or protruding through the host tissue, conical, periphysate. Peridium comprising 5-8 layers of hyaline cells of textura angularis. Paraphyses filamentous, aseptate, unbranched. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, clavate, short-pedicellate, with J-, simple apex. Ascospores uni- to biseriate, hyaline, 1-septate, not constricted at the septum, ellipsoid, equilateral or inequilateral, with narrowly rounded apices, straight, smooth-walled, lacking mucilaginous sheaths or appendages. Asexual morph: Undetermined (adaped from Perera et al. 2017).


Type species: Delonicicola siamense R.H. Perera, Maharachch. & K.D. Hyde, in Perera, Maharachchikumbura, Jones, Bahkali, Elgorban, Liu, Liu & Hyde, Cryptog. Mycol. 38(3): 335 (2017)


Notes: The sexual morph, monotypic genus Delonicicola was established based on Delonicicola siamense, which was isolated from Delonix regia seed pods in Thailand (Perera et al. 2017). Delonicicola species are saprobes, characterized by pseudostromatal immersed, papillate ascomata, short pedicellate asci and 1-septate, hyaline ascospores (Perera et al. 2017).



Species illustrated in this entry:

Delonicicola siamense R.H. Perera, Maharachch. & K.D. Hyde




Perera RH, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Jones EBG, Bahkali AH et al. 2017 – Delonicicola siamense gen. & sp. nov.(Delonicicolaceae fam. nov., Delonicicolales ord. nov.), a saprobic species from Delonix regia seed pods. Cryptogamie Mycologie 38, 321–341.


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