Aphanotria Döbbeler, Mycologia 102(2): 405 (2010)
Hypocreomycetidae, Hypocreales, Bionectriaceae, Aphanotria
Index Fungorum number: IF 510591; Facesoffungi number: FoF 10857; 1 morphological species
Bryophilous, parasitic on Polytrichadelphus aristatus. Sexual morph: Ascomata perithecial, astromatic, immersed, ellipsoid, hyaline, glabrous, terminating in a rostrum outside the host. Rostrum cylindrical or slightly tapering towards the apex, hyaline. Excipulum and rostrum composed of longitudinally oriented hyphae, KOH-. Apical paraphyses inconspicuous, filamentous, cylindrical, septate. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical, straight or slightly curved, apically rounded, without an apical ring. Ascospores uniseriate, fusiform, symmetrical, 5-septate, not constricted at the septa, guttualte, hyaline, epispore distinctly warted, cyanophilous. Asexual morph: Undetermined (copied from Perera et al. 2023).
Type species: Aphanotria paradoxa Döbbeler, Mycol. Res. 111(12): 1408 (2007)
Notes: Döbbeler (2007) introduced the monotypic genus Aphanotria to accommodate Aphanotria paradoxa collected from Polytrichadelphus aristatus. Aphanotria is unique in its bryophilous habitat and formation of astromatic, hyaline, KOH- ascomata, immersed with a conspicuous rostrum resembles Bionectriaceae (Döbbeler 2007). No DNA sequence data are available for the genus and the placement of the genus needs verifying. (copied from Perera et al. 2023).
Species illustrated in this entry:
Aphanotria paradoxa Döbbeler
Perera RH, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Maharachchikumbura SSN et al. 2023 – Profile of Bionectriaceae, Calcarisporiaceae, Hypocreaceae, Nectriaceae, Tilachlidiaceae, Ijuhyaceae fam. nov., Stromatonectriaceae fam. nov. and Xanthonectriaceae fam. nov. Fungal Diversity 118, 95–271.
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