Stilbocrea Pat., Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 16(4): 186 (1900)
Hypocreomycetidae, Hypocreales, Bionectriaceae, Stilbocrea
Index Fungorum number: IF 5263; Facesoffungi number: ; 7 morphological species; 3 species with sequence data
Saprobic on dead woody plant material and decaying ascomycetes stromata. Sexual morph: Stromata erumpent through the substrate; globose, elliptical or irregular in outline, surface white, orange or pink, grey or brown to dull buff. Ascomata perithecial, superficial or partly immersed to entirely immersed in stroma, globose to elliptical or ovoid, cupulate or laterally collapsing when dry, pale yellow to orange, becoming red-brown, dark olive green to black with age, KOH−/ + red brown, LA−/ + olivaceous to umber brown. Peridium more than 25 μm thick. Paraphyses lacking. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, oblong, narrowly clavate to cylindrical, ellipsoid to ellipsoid-fusiform, apex simple, without an apical ring. Ascospores uniseriate, biseriate or irregular, ellipsoid to ellipsoid-fusiform, 1-septate, not constricted or slightly constricted at the septum, guttule, hyaline, verrucose to verruculose, echinulate or conspicuously spinulose. Asexual morph: Hyphomycetous, acremonium-like or stilbella-like. Acremonium-like conidiophores giving rise to intercalary, terminal or lateral phialides. Phialides lageniform to cylindrical. Conidia aseptate, allantoid, hyaline, commonly guttulate, smooth-walled. Blastoconidia when present ellipsoid to subglobose or globose, hyaline, becoming thick-walled when mature. Stilbella-like conidiophores forming synnemata. Synnemata emerging from sexual morph stroma or from a basal subiculum, cylindrical-capitate, subulate-capitate or clavate, slender or robust, branched or unbranched, stipe white, orange, orange-pink, grey, black or grey-brown. Conidiophores more or less verticillately branched. Phialides cylindrical or subulate, straight or curved, lateral, lateral and terminal, or in terminal whorls of 3–4. Conidial mass hemispherical, globose, ovoid or ellipsoid, orange or green, pink-orange, yellow-orange or red-brown. Conidia ellipsoid, oblong or ovoid, cylindrical or obovate, straight or slightly curved, aseptate, hyaline (copied from Perera et al. 2023).
Type species: Stilbocrea macrostoma (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Höhn., Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturw. Kl., Abt. 1 118: 1185 (1909)
Notes: There are 10 epithets under Stilbocrea in Species Fungorum (2022a, b). Voglmayr and Jaklitsch (2019) and Lechat and Fournier (2019a) provided sequence data for S. macrostoma along with detailed morphological descriptions and illustrations. In the phylogenetic analysis conducted by Perera et al. (2023), S. macrostoma strains (SM, CLLG18056, CLLG18033) formed a distinct clade (Clade ‘B’) sister to Bryocentria (Fig. 1, 18). Other Stilbocrea species (Clade ‘A’) are distantly related to clade ‘B’, and might belong to a different genus (Fig. 18). However, Clade ‘A’ is also represented by other two putatively named S. macrostoma strains. Lechat and Fournier (2019a) believed that S. macrostoma is not monophyletic due to cryptic or misidentified species. Seifert (1985) and Rossman et al. (1999) observed two types of synnemata in Stilbocrea macrostoma. Lechat and Fournier (2019a) noticed that S. macrostoma was associated with S. gracilipes and, stromata of S. macrostoma overlain on stromata of S. gracilipes. Similar observations were made by Guu et al. (2010), who found out two types of synnemata that belong to two different species. Therefore, S. macrostoma was shown to possess one type of synnemata (Lechat and Fournier 2019a). Species in Clade ‘A’ might belong to a new genus, but need further investigations with the type material of S. macrostoma sequenced.
There are 50 different positions, including 7 gaps, observed in ITS region of putative strain of ‘Stilbocrea gracilipes’ CLLG18044-B when compared to ITS regions of Stilbocrea gracilipes strains, CLLM16015, CLLM16011 and MFLUCC 17-2614. Thus, ‘Stilbocrea gracilipes’ CLLG18044-B is probably a new taxon, but further studies are required to resolve its taxonomy (copied from Perera et al. 2023).
Species illustrated in this entry:
Stilbocrea gracilipes (Tul. & C. Tul.) Samuels & Seifert
Perera RH, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Maharachchikumbura SSN et al. 2023 – Profile of Bionectriaceae, Calcarisporiaceae, Hypocreaceae, Nectriaceae, Tilachlidiaceae, Ijuhyaceae fam. nov., Stromatonectriaceae fam. nov. and Xanthonectriaceae fam. nov. Fungal Diversity 118, 95–271.
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